Lockpicking kingdom come mod
Lockpicking kingdom come mod

Otherwise, even a Hard lock isn’t too difficult to pick if you know what you’re doing and have had some practice. Some of the harder ones may be unavailable for you to even attempt if Henry’s skill level is too low. Once you’ve decided on which lock to pick, make sure you pay attention to the difficulty level of the lock. The various Millers will also carry Lockpicks for Henry to purchase. The first vendor you’re likely to encounter is in Talmberg. Fortunately, many vendors will sell Lockpicks, and you don’t even need to visit a shady one. The more the better because if you fail, you will break the pick and it will be removed from Henry’s inventory (unless you have a specific perk that gives you chance to bring back a broken Lockpick). Henry must have at least one Lockpick in his possession. Whether you’re picking the lock of a door or chest, the concept is the same.

Lockpicking kingdom come mod